If you are looking for a tool to send email invitations for your special event, look no further. PartyLabz has got you covered!

We do our best to assist you in creating and sending special digital invitations for your events through email, all without using paper. With our help, you can easily make personalized invites and send them electronically, making it a "paperless post." This means you're helping the environment by not using traditional paper invitations, and it's super easy to do!

The digital invitations are designed to match the look of your event website on PartyLabz. They have the same image, text, and colors, providing a seamless experience for your guests. It is so easy and no extra design tools for your invites are needed. This consistency extends from the email invitation to your event website, where guests can find more details, submit their RSVP form, participate in polls, sign up for lists, and more.

For example, here's what an event website might look like:

How event website looks

And this is how the online invitations will appear in the recipient's email:

How Online Invitation Look, part 1
How Online Invitation Look, part 2

A few things to note about the email invitations:

  • The "From" header will display the name of the event host, and the email address will be noreply@partylabz.com. You can change the host name on the "Event Details" page.
  • The "Reply To" header will have the email address of the event host. Make sure to create the event from the email address you want to use for communication. Changing the email address will also change the event ownership.
  • The bottom part saying "The event website is powered by Partylabz.com" and below can be removed by purchasing the "Hide PartyLabz Logo / Custom Logo" add-on.

To send online invitation using PartyLabz, follow these simple steps:

  1. Create an event website from the home page or "My Events" page.
  2. From the "Dashboard" go to the "Guest List" page.
  3. Add guests individually or in bulk from Google Contacts or a CSV file.
  4. Go to the "Messaging Center" page.
  5. Click on the "Invite" button and select "via email".
    Send Email Invitation Dialog: Invitation Text
  6. A popup dialog will open with an invitation template that you can optionally change. You can change the subject and message. Use variables like %Name% for personalized messages. See below for more information.
  7. Optionally, choose a page guests will see when they follow the RSVP link, or enter the your own button name. The button is added to your invitation automatically.
  8. When your message looks good, click the "Next" button.
  9. Select recipients of your invitation. You can select guests in bulk by RSVP status, and other parameters or select recipients manually
    Send Email Invitation Dialog: Selecting Recipients
  10. When you are done with recipients selection click the "Next" button. At this time the system will save the message as a draft and if everything is ok, you will see a preview screen. Here you can select a recipient and look how the invitation looks for the guest.
    Send Email Invitation Dialog: Preview
  11. Now you can click the "Send" button to send invitation or "Close" button to close the dialog and keep your message as a draft. You can come back later to change or send the draft message.

If you're inviting people in batches, just follow the same steps again and choose "Not Invited" each time. This way, you'll make sure you're sending electronic invitations only to the guests you've added recently.

In rare cases, your invitation might end up in the Spam folder on your guests' email. This could be because the message seems like spam or when receiving email services think it is spam just because you mass send your invitations to people within the same email domain. If this happens, it's a good idea to ask your guests to move your invitations from the Spam folder to their Inbox. You can also make sure they add noreply@partylabz.com to their contacts or whitelist it (allow it) in corporate emails. This helps ensure that your invitations land safely in their main email folders.


PartyLabz provides you with a variety of variables to personalize your digital invitations. These variables will be replaced with specific information when your guests receive the invitation. Here are some of the supported variables:

  • %Name%: Guest name
  • %Guest_Email%: Guest email
  • %Guest_Phone%: Guest phone
  • %Guest_Code%: Guest code (used in QR-code)
  • %Guest_Address%: Guest address
  • %Guest_Company%: Guest company
  • %Guest_Job_Title%: Guest job title
  • %Title%: Replaced by your event title.
  • %Starts_On%: Replaced by your event date and time.
  • %Starts_On_Date%: Replaced by your event date.
  • %Starts_On_Time%: Replaced by your event time.
  • %Ends_On%: Replaced by event end date and time.
  • %Ends_On_Date%: Replaced by event end date.
  • %Ends_On_Time%: Replaced by event end time.
  • %Guest_Link%: Replaced by a personalized RSVP link with a guest's unique ID.
  • %QR_Code%: Replaced by QR-code URL. Use this variable as an image source
  • %Host_Name%: Replaced by the name of the event host.
  • %Address%: Replaced by the full address of your event.
  • %Place_Name%: Replaced by the venue name.
  • %Link_To_Map%: Replaced by the link to the map.
  • %Place_Website%: Replaced by the venue website.
  • %RSVP_By%: Replaced by the date by which guests must RSVP.
  • %Event_Public_URL%: Replaced by your event website's public URL.

PartyLabz is continuously working on adding more variables to enhance your customization options. These variables allow you to create invitations that feel personal and tailored to each guest.


Once you've sent out invitations to your guests using PartyLabz's email invitations, the system will begin sending reminders automatically to those who haven't RSVPed, and it does this once a week. You can decide when these reminders are sent by adjusting the settings on the "Reminders" page.

You also have the choice to make the reminder more personal by customizing its subject and email message. Simply go to the "Custom Messages" page, find the "RSVP reminder" block, and click on the "Edit" button.

It's important to know that the personalized RSVP link to your event website is automatically included at the end of the custom message, so you don't have to add anything on your own.

In essence, PartyLabz streamlines the invitation process, offering not just convenience but also flexibility in customization. Whether you're hosting a small gathering or a large event, PartyLabz provides the tools to make your digital invites stand out and keep your guests engaged from the initial invite to the final RSVP.

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