Parties, weddings, baby showers, and many other events are times of joy and celebration. When you're planning such an event, you want everything to be perfect, including how you organize it and communicate with your guests. Luckily, PartyLabz is here to make your life much easier with its cool features. One such feature is the "Comments", which acts like a digital guestbook for your event.

Let's dive into what this feature is all about and how you can start using it right away.

Imagine you're throwing a wedding party or planning a baby shower. You've sent out invitations, and people are excited to come. But what if they have something to say before the event? Maybe they have a special memory they want to share, questions about the event, or they simply want to express their excitement. The "Comments" feature on PartyLabz lets your guests do just that. It creates a special page on your event's website where RSVP'd guests can leave their comments or start discussions related to your event. It's like having a digital guestbook where everyone can write their wishes, share stories, or discuss event details.

How To Use the Comments feature?

To get started with this feature, you don't need to be a tech wizard. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Head to the "Event Edit" page, where you manage the content of your event website on PartyLabz.
  • Look for the "Add Tab" button, which is located at the end of the row where you see the "Description" tab. Click on it.
  • Select the "Comments" function from the options provided. This will be the beginning of creating your event's comment section.
  • Choose an icon for the tab to make it look attractive and match the theme of your event.
  • Give your comment page a name. You can name it "Guest book" or something related to your event's theme.
  • Decide who can see the page. You have two options here: make it visible to everyone who visits your event's website or only to recognized guests. A guest becomes recognized when they visit your event website with their personal links, which they get as soon as they RSVP. Also, a personal link is automatically generated for every guest you add to the "Guest List" and then invite using PartyLabz.

The "Comments" feature is perfect for creating a sense of community before the event even starts. It allows your guests to connect, share their anticipation, and discuss any event-related topics. It's also a beautiful way to collect memories and wishes from your guests, creating a digital keepsake you can look back on for years to come.

So, whether you're planning a wedding, a baby shower, or any other event, make it even more special with the "Comments" feature on PartyLabz. It's easy to set up and makes your event more interactive and memorable. Start creating your digital guestbook today and watch as the excitement and engagement among your guests grow!


Here is an example event that uses the "Comments" feature as a "Guest Book".

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