Team Outing Decision
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This is a demo RSVP website. Feel free to RSVP on this event website to see how it works from the side of a guest.
Hi team,
It's time for our next team outing! I'm excited to plan a fun and memorable day for all of us. I want us to come together, have a great time, and strengthen our bond as a team.
But before we finalize the details, I would like to hear your suggestions and preferences. Let's vote on where we should go this time and which day of the week works best for everyone. Your input is important, as I want to ensure that everyone can participate and enjoy the outing.
The exact date and time of the event will be announced one week in advance, giving us enough time to prepare and clear our schedules. So, please RSVP as soon as possible, so that you can answer the following questions:
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Payments are in test mode
When entering credit card information, use following credentials for test payment:
- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Card expiration date: 12 / 25
- CVV: 123
- ZIP / Postal code: 12345
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The Secret Santa Game was not yet initialized.
I sent present to my assignee
I received present from my Secret Santa
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To accept payments, you need to have your Stripe account attached to PartyLabz. To do this, please follow the link to Stripe setup page.
The operation can be done once for your current event as well as for all future events.
Payments are in test mode
When entering credit card information, use following credentials for test payment:
- Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Card expiration date: 12 / 25
- CVV: 123
- ZIP / Postal code: 12345
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Name | Amount | When | |
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